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Laporan: Deni Nurman · 26 Jun 2024 12:59 WIB

Three young men died after consuming bootleg alcohol at a party in Cisaat, Sukabumi

					Three young men died after consuming bootleg alcohol at a party in Cisaat, Sukabumi Perbesar – Three residents of Sukabumi died after consuming illegal alcoholic beverages (bootleg liquor) on Legok Inggris Street, Kutasirna Village, Cisaat District, Sukabumi Regency. Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

It is known that the type of bootleg liquor was made from a mixture of 70 percent alcohol, mineral water, and energy drinks.

Based on the data collected, the three victims involved in the incident were IR (24) and DYS (27) from Kutasirna Village, Cisaat District, Sukabumi Regency, and DA from Sukamaju Village, Kadudampit District, Sukabumi Regency.

AKP Yanto Sudiarto, the Cisaat Police Chief of Sukabumi City Police, stated that based on witness statements, the incident began on Monday, June 24, 2024, around 2:00 PM. The three victims gathered to barbecue chicken satay near the scene.

“Then around 6:00 PM, the three victims were suspected of consuming alcohol with a 70 percent content mixed with mineral water and energy drinks. The next day, around 4:00 PM, a witness found victim IR lying unconscious in a hut not far from the scene,” said Yanto.

After learning of the incident, Yanto continued that the witness then informed the family. Around 5:30 PM, the victim was taken to Betha Medika Cisaat Hospital and around 6:10 PM, the victim was pronounced dead.

“On the same day around 9:00 PM, victim DYS in critical condition was taken to RSUD R Syamsudin S.H Kota Sukabumi, but around 11:55 PM was pronounced dead. The doctor’s examination results showed that the victim died from alcohol poisoning or alcohol intoxication,” said Yanto.

Furthermore, Yanto stated that victim DA had died on Tuesday (25/6/2024) around 2:45 PM at his home.

At the scene, the police found 3 empty bottles of 70 percent alcohol, 3 empty sachets of energy drink powder, and 1 empty bottle of mineral water as evidence. (*)

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